It’s The Little Things That Matter

Hello bloggers.  As we’re coming closer to the upcoming new year, I’ve been creating a mental list of everything that I’ve done, what I haven’t done, as well as everything that I’d like to get done.  Throughout this current year, to be honest, I’ve gone through quite a few downfalls.  But who hasn’t, right?  In fact, there are others who are worse off.  That’s something I’ve often told myself.

I started to think about it all throughout my volunteering for the Adult Literacy Program.  When I’d first relocated to a more convenient location—which was during the summer—I grew nervous of the fact that I’d have to start over with a new student.  Since I’ve always been an introvert, I was afraid of having to make my first phone call to set up a quick, introductory meeting.  Nevertheless, I made the effort.  During our meeting, in person, my new student and I really got along.  We both talked about our backgrounds for a few minutes.  She told me that she’s been in the States for ten years and what she wants to accomplish while she’s in the program.  So far, everything worked out and we both were looking forward to our first session.

During our first session, my student introduced me to her husband and asked if he could join our session.  “Of course,” I’d told her politely.  He, too, has been in the States for about seven years and wanted to get some practice with reading and writing in English.  At the end of our first session, my student asked if I’d be available to include her husband in future lessons.  I politely accepted.

To this day—I believe it’s been over four months, now—I’ve been providing lessons and we all have had the opportunity to get to know each other a lot more.  They’ve told me that they’re really appreciative of my help.  My student had mentioned that—because of the shortage of tutors—she was on the waiting list for three months before I had come along.  I can’t imagine how difficult that is.

During our last meeting, my students welcomed me into their home for lunch and we all had a nice chat.  What really put a smile on my face was their telling me that they’re lucky to have me and that it’s hard to meet someone like me.  I practically blushed when I said, “I’m happy that I can help.”

As I think about all the clichéd New Year’s resolutions that I never took seriously, I realized that I did make a change for this coming new year.  I helped others.  They’ve put their trust in me and that’s what helped them to gain more confidence.  I’ve built a trusting relationship with them and that makes me confident.  It’s a fact that we all go through our own downfalls. Helping others, however, really can make a difference. It’s the little things that you do for others that makes them appreciative of you.

I look forward to what’s next.

“Dear So-and-So…”

I admit that I—including many—have become addicted to social networking.  In the beginning, I wasn’t all for the idea of creating an account.  Well, it’s been about two years since I’ve had an active Facebook account and I have to say that it does have its benefits on many occasions.  Of course, it has its cons—we all know that.

As I’ve said, there are many pros to the site.  I like when people share ideas, talk about their accomplishments, post a nice picture, share an article, etc.  It’s nice to see some positive ideas out there.

The cons, on the other hand, list too many examples to name.  Perhaps I’m exaggerating.  Anyhow, the most common statuses talk about the person’s boredom.  There also is the “I’m-hungry” status, including the “I’m-so-pissed” status.  They say these things, yet they don’t say what the real problem is.  Another fact is that many feel obligated to post their locations.  Why?  Who knows, really?  So a friend checked in at a local Starbucks.  Is something happening at Starbucks?  It doesn’t say.  I guess we’ll never know.  The list goes on.  Sadly, Facebook has become a personal journal.  Then, again, it isn’t so personal.

Regardless of the negative statuses, however, people have a right to post whatever they’d like as long as they’re not violating the site’s Code of Conduct.  What can we do, right?

Now let’s move on to the main part that’s been on my mind.  It may sound silly—I don’t know—but I’ve stumbled upon quite a few statuses where Facebook users have posted their rants, which usually start with “Dear so-and-so…”, which are angry, imaginary letters to a company or a random person who may have wronged them.  I can’t help finding these to be funny, sometimes, and I’ll think, “If you’re angry with this particular company, why not write to or call the company instead of Facebook?”  And the random people who have wronged the Facebook users are never identified.

Hey, I understand.  People want to rant or vent on occasions.  It’s normal.  However, some things are better off in private messages amongst close friends.  I know the routines won’t change, but that’s just my idea.  What do you think, fellow bloggers?